We're going to be at war forever

Apparently, protecting our troops includes dispatching another aircraft carrier to the region, even though the insurgents don’t have a navy, and giving the order to execute any Iranians captured inside Iraq.
In addition, the comments of the Joint Chiefs if Staff, who apparently wasn’t briefed on the administration’s talking points, cast some doubt on the culpability of the Iranian government in the conspiracy to provide insurgence with incendiary devices.
"That does not translate that the Iranian government per se, for sure, is directly involved in doing this," Pace said.
Does this remind you of anything? Like maybe 2003 when, in the midst of worldwide support and economic stability, the Bush administration used the same tactic to convince lot of people that Iraq had WMDs and that Saddam Hussein was a threat to world peace, thus embroiling us in war without end, and plunging our national debt into a hole that it will take generations of sacrifice to emerge.
If we make the same mistake of believing these cretins again, we probably deserve the fate that befalls us.
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