How Dumb Do They Think We Are?

McCain suggests we transfer money from the General Fund into the Highway Trust Fund to make up the shortfall. Clinton proposes that we levy a windfall tax on the oil companies to make up the difference. Taking money from the General Fund will result in less funding for other programs, and an oil company windfall tax will backfire on consumers. Face it, if we try to slap an extra tax on oil companies for their record profits, they’ll just pass this cost along to consumers. This will have the effect of raising gas prices before the suspension lapses. When the tax returns, the price of gas will go up even more, leaving us worse off than we were before the holiday.
The only presidential candidate that appears to be leveling with us is Barack Obama, who basically says that the gas tax holiday is a bad idea. Economists agree with him, to which Clinton retorts, “I’m not going to put my lot in with economists”. Her response is highly reminiscent of the Bush administration – never mind what the experts say, I know better.
Clinton’s blatant dismissal of expert opinion, along with McCain’s admitted lack of understanding of economic principles, lead me to believe that Obama is the only presidential candidate with our best interest in mind, and stands by his position regardless of any immediate political gain.
I say we pass on this gas tax holiday, and focus instead on legislature that will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and promote alternate sources of energy. It may be more painful today, but in the long will lead to a stronger America that is less reliant on other countries, some of who may not like us very much.
The only presidential candidate that appears to be leveling with us is Barack Obama, who basically says that the gas tax holiday is a bad idea. Economists agree with him, to which Clinton retorts, “I’m not going to put my lot in with economists”. Her response is highly reminiscent of the Bush administration – never mind what the experts say, I know better.
Clinton’s blatant dismissal of expert opinion, along with McCain’s admitted lack of understanding of economic principles, lead me to believe that Obama is the only presidential candidate with our best interest in mind, and stands by his position regardless of any immediate political gain.
I say we pass on this gas tax holiday, and focus instead on legislature that will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and promote alternate sources of energy. It may be more painful today, but in the long will lead to a stronger America that is less reliant on other countries, some of who may not like us very much.
You are supporting obama. How dumb is that?
Anonymous, at 6:59 PM
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